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Trauma-related symptoms

Trauma occurs when too much happens too fast and your nervous system becomes overwhelmed, unable to process everything in such a short amount of time. It is anxiety compiled on top of shock and can cause debilitating symptoms that impact quality of life. When you work through your trauma-related symptoms with a therapist, you’re able to process that trauma and fully heal.

There are many types of trauma events that can cause symptoms like PTSD, hypervigilance, inability to relax and flashbacks. We have tools that can be creatively integrated to help your body downshift and regulate to accurately match your surroundings.

Why should I talk with a therapist about trauma?
Experiencing trauma doesn’t always lead to PTSD, but it always has an impact on your life in some way. While you may not be thinking about the trauma event daily, trauma symptoms will pop up in your life. The trauma you experienced trained your brain to think differently and your body to react differently. Working through your trauma with a therapist allows you to unlock the trauma memory and truly process the event.
How does talking with a therapist help with trauma?
Working with a therapist provides you a safe and non-judgemental place to reflect on life’s most traumatic events and confront them once again. Your therapist gently leads you through steps like reaccessing and reframing the memory, developing coping skills and processing related beliefs, emotions and fears.
Signs of trauma:
  • Changes in sleeping patterns
  • Changes in eating
  • Anger and irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Distracted thinking
  • Social withdrawal
  • Flashbacks
  • PTSD
How do I know if I should seek therapy for trauma?
Going through a distressing event like a natural disaster, a house fire, rape or the death of a loved one can cause so much stress that your body is overwhelmed. The result of that sudden and all-consuming trauma can lead to a wide variety of symptoms. When you have been through a distressing event, talking with a therapist can help you process everything that happened. Talking with a therapist soon after the event occurred can help prevent you from forming negative patterns that could impact your life later.
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