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Clinical Supervision

As a new therapist or social worker, you’re stepping into a world that can feel overwhelming. It’s common for those new to the field of mental health to feel unequipped or at a loss when working with clients. All of the therapists within Erena DiGonis’ practice have been there and we love sharing our experience to help you grow in your profession. We provide clinical supervision sessions that help you recognize and navigate things like imposter syndrome and learn new skills for client interaction. We know working in the field of mental health is a journey and we’re here to provide a shame-free space for growth and development.
What are the benefits of clinical supervision sessions?
Our clinical supervision sessions focus on skill development and refinement as well as reducing burnout and providing a sense of belonging and validation. Our goal is to provide a space to sort out confusion and second guessing and to develop confidence in your job. Our therapists have decades of experience in the mental health field and provide practical advice based on real-life experience. For pre-licensed mental health professionals, please check with your board to ensure that the supervision hours accrued will count towards your licensure.
What happens during clinical supervision sessions?
During sessions, we provide you the space to analyze your feelings, thoughts and professional style. We also provide you with practical tools for working with clients and tools to avoid things like burnout and imposter syndrome. By talking with an experienced therapist, you can learn how to be more effective in treating your clients. Together, we’ll talk through some of the things that cause stress in mental health professionals and establish a framework for you to better your professional practice.
Clinical supervision with a therapist can help with:
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Tools and interventions for treatment
  • Case conceptualization
  • Learning new treatment modalities
  • Burn Out
When should I seek out clinical supervision sessions?
We provide clinical supervision sessions as frequently as they are needed. Clients can schedule sessions on a regular basis, using them as monthly check-ins and general professional support. You can also reach out for a clinical supervision session when you are struggling with something specific or need a new perspective on treatment approaches. You can meet with experienced therapists on your own schedule and learn new tools to better your practice and your own mental health.
Contact us today for your free consultation
The commitment is so simple. Let it happen. Begin the journey and amaze yourself with what you will learn, feel, discover, and become.
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